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eca3G solves all lightning damages.


Find the cause of the problem

Why does lightning damage occur?

Why does lightning keep striking despite the lightning rod, SPD, and low ground resistance?


Check the scientific truths

Establish scientific countermeasures

Check the fact through test based on theoretical data and factual basis


This is why we recommend it.

Since 1999
Over 20,000 locations in 25 years
99.98% success rate in lightning protection
(as of 2024)

International/Korea patent ·CE certification,
Reliability of technology acknowledged by customers Technology proven in the field

Establish correct lightning protection measures away from incorrect knowledge.

Check the cause of the problem


Do they say that lightning rods are a scam?


lightning rodis willfully neglecting under the name of lightning protection.

Evidence 1

Lightning rod doesn’t avoid lightning, but induces it. Therefore, it should be called lightning inducing rod. This is evidence that it is deceiving under the name of willful negligence.

Evidence 2

Evidence 3

Size of thunderbolt is 1 km ~ dozens of km in diameter, and the size of lightning rod is size of a baseball. When lightning rod is charged with the thundercloud charge (-1000), +1000 charge is charged to the communication equipment connected to the opposite of lightning wire according to the law of electrification, or connects to grounding wire and becomes -1000 like the lightning rod.

Evidence 4

Evidence through scientific test

피뢰침 시험 자료01
Specimen CFO[kV]
Normal type A -1, 142
B -1, 139
ESE C -1, 134
D -1, 158
E -1, 145

* KERI’s test confirmed that the normal lightning rod and ESE lightning rod have no significant difference

피뢰침 시험 자료02
Specimen CFO Voltage [kV]
Impulse voltage Switching impulse voltage
Normal type a -629 -552
DAS b -647 -578
c -631 -548
d -640 -546

* KERI’s test confirmed that the normal lightning rod and DAS lightning rod have no significant difference

They say that 10 years can change a lot, but there has been no change in lightning rods since 1750s. As KSC-9609 (enacted 1971.10.1) was abolished in 33 years and the new KSC-IEC was enacted, the era of lightning protection through lightning rod has ended. In particular, ICLP(International conference on lightning protection) strongly promotes the risks of unconventional lightning rods (ESE, DAS, etc.). Also, the test results by KERI confirmed that there is no significant difference.

Evidence 5

Lightning can’t be stopped by a bunch of metals like lightning rods.

Lightning rod that pushes lightning away is at the top of the building, and lightning rod that induces lightning is behind the building. The protection angle is good.
However, electronic devices still suffered lightning damage.

Multiple lightning rods were installed, ground resistance value was low, and SPD was installed, but the electronic equipment that needed to be protected suffered lightning damage.

Evidence 6

Did lightning damage occur due to the absence of lightning rod?

Lightning rod is supposed to induced lightning, but lightning struck somewhere else. Think about it once, if the lightning damage occurred because there was no lightning rod at the place of lightning damage.

Evidence 7

Electronic products can’t be protected from lightning with lightning rods.

Lightning struck the chestnut tree, but what broke? The real purpose of lightning protection facility is to protect electronic products against lightning.
Streetlamp, simplified water supply system, telephone, circuit breaker, meter, lightbulb, copy machine

Evidence 8

Damage to electronic equipment that occurred despite the lightning rods

Electronic products failed, not because of the existence of lightning rod, but due to the electromagnetic impact caused by lightning.

Evidence 9

Conclusion about lightning rods

Lightning protection facilities are installed to protect electromagnetic products, but they still break whether the lightning rods pulls or pushes away the lightning. It’s because the root cause of electromagnetic product failure is the electromagnetic impact (induced lightning, surge, overvoltage, etc.), not the direct hit by lightning, and lightning rods only provide the cause of electromagnetic collision. That’s why lightning rods are a scam.

Inconsistency between power supply and grounding method Common grounding is appropriate for Y connection

Lightning rods protect again lightning Lightning rods do not avoid, but calls for it

Only depended on lightning rods according to KSC-9609(enacted 1971.10.01) This is the digital era of advanced technology.

KSC-9609 was abolished on 2004/12/09 after 33 years, and KSC - IEC was enacted in 2005.



Korea uses Y connection that most countries use, and although common grounding is appropriate, it adopted the independent grounding that is used for delta connection in Japan.

Y Connection Electric Supply Method
Country Frequency(Hz) Voltage(VAC) Wiring Neutral line Grounding (regulation) Outlet type
Korea 60 220/380 2,3,4 Yes Independent grounding C & F Type
Korea 60 220/380 2,3,4 Yes Common grounding (since 2022) C & F Type
Australia 50 240/415 2,3,4 Yes Common grounding I Type
USA 60 120/240 2,4 Yes Common grounding A & B Type
Canada 60 120/240 2,3,4 Yes Common grounding A & B Type
Brazil 60 127/220 2,3,4 Yes Common grounding A & B, C Type
France 50 127/220 2,4 Yes Common grounding E Type
Germany 50 230/400 2,4 Yes Common grounding C & F Type
England 50 230/400 2,3,4 Yes Common grounding G Type
Sweden 50 220/380 2,3,4 Yes Common grounding C & F Type
Switzerland 50 220/380 2,3,4 Yes Common grounding J Type
△ Connection Electric Supply Method
△ Connection Electric Supply Method
Country Frequency(Hz) Voltage(VAC) Wiring Neutral line Grounding (regulation) Outlet type
Japan 50 100/200 2,3 No Independent grounding C & F Type
Somalia 50 220 2,3 No Independent grounding C & F Type
North Yemen 50 220 2,3 No Independent grounding I Type
Panama 60 110 2,3 No Independent grounding A & B Type
Peru 60 220 2,3 No Independent grounding A & B, C Type
Uruguay 50 220/380 2,3 No Independent grounding C, F, I & L Type
Norway 50 220/380 2,3 No Independent grounding C & F Type

Korea made a mistake of choosing independent grounding prior to the enactment of KSC-IEC in 2005, and independent grounding is one of the biggest causes of lightning damage.

Scientific Fact Check

Test 1

220V of AC power is supplied to the lightbulb, and the voltage of 6 kkW(1.2/50㎲) and current of 3,000 A(20/8㎲) are applied to the AC power of lightbulb in overlap to examine whether grounding can protect the equipment against lightning current through grounding or not. In above test based on the ground equipment at ground resistance value of 2.64 Ω and lightning surge test equipment, the lightbulb was damaged.

Even though the resistance value is low, it was proven that electronic and communication equipment can’t be protected by discharging ground surge to the earth.

Test 2

The earth’s resistance rate (Ω.m) is very high.
Therefore, most of discharging takes place through the metal conductor connected to the equipment.
Therefore, as seen in the test result, discharge through grounding is only a fraction of it.

Ground resistance rate is approximately 150Ω.m. As a result of the test that discharged 10kV/5kA to the earth, only 515A was discharged to the earth.
Discharge through grounding is extremely little even when the resistance value is low, which proves that equipment can’t be protected through power generation.

Test 3

Lightning surge of surge 6 kV (50/1.2 ㎲), 3000A(8/20㎲) is applied to the AC power of lightbulb to test the lightning current protection of lightning protection transformer. As a result, lightning protection transformer (insulating transformer) could not block lightning surge, and the lightbulb was significantly damaged. Lightning surge is like electricity, so it can pass through.

Lightning protection insulating transformer can’t protect the equipment because it can’t block lightning or. Urge.
Lightning protection insulating transformer can’t block lightning and surge because lightning current and surge are electricity as well.

Test 4

Installation of the 3rd generation digital grounding device (eca3G) obviously protected the lightbulb. If so, what would happen to the flasher and laptop (PC) that are made with advanced IC circuit? Find out in the next page.

Test 5

The 3rd generation digital grounding device (eca3G) with the U.S. Patent, CE, designation of Outstanding product by Public Procurement Service (2007 ~ 2010), and designation of DAPA Outstanding SME Product (2009) converts and blocks lightning energy, so it protected flasher and laptop (PC) made with advanced IC circuit.

Test 6

The 3rd generation digital grounding device (eca3G), with 99.98% success rate in lightning protection in 20,000 sites for 25 years since 1999 (as of 2024), detects and eliminates abnormal voltage like lightning surge, proving that it can protect electronic/communication equipment against electromagnetic shock.

This is why we recommend it.

GROUND has provided lighting protection to 20,000 sites (as of 2024) for 25 years while the earth is revolving at 107,169km/h.

99.98% success rate in lightning protection for 25 years since 1999 in 20,000 sites (as of 2024)

The world’s first 3rd generation digital lightning protection device, eca3G, acquired the U.S. Patent, Korean Patent, and CE certification.

Outstanding product by Public Procurement Service (2006~2010), CE certification (2006~2010), Excellent Performance Certification by Small & Medium Business Administration (2006~2010)
Ground has been continuously participating in lightning protection duty with the ROK Navy for 10 years since 2001.

Like this, eca3G protects electronic and communication products against lightning.

The 3rd generation digital lightning protection device (eca3G), with the U.S. Patent, CE certification, designation of Outstanding product by Public Procurement Service (2007~2010), and designation of Excellent Performance Certification by Small & Medium Business Administration (2009), protected flasher and laptop (PC) made with advanced IC circuit perfectly by converting and blocking lightning energy.

The 3rd generation digital grounding device (eca3G) can protect low-voltage advanced IC semiconductor equipment by blocking 18kV shock like lightning surge.

With 99.98% success rate in lightning protection in 20,000 sites for 15 years since 1999 (as of 2024), the 3rd generation digital lightning protection device (eca3G) detects and eliminates abnormal voltage like lightning surge, proving that it can protect electronic/communication equipment against electromagnetic shock.