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We are a lightning protection specialist to protect the electronic communication equipment, control, and automated facilities at the national institutions and private facilities against lightning disasters.

Welcome to Ground Inc.’s website.

Ground has been researching and producing products that are needed to prevent lightning disasters since 1999. We provide services to various customers that need perfect protection against lightning.
With the success rate of 99.88% in lightning protection area, we are becoming the most competitiveness lightning protection specialist in the world.

Our customers are affiliated with the major national institutions, public organizations, self-governing bodies, corporations, national defense, etc., and are in serious need of lightning disaster prevention measures.
Ground has been developing and installing various lightning protection system including eca3G, a 3rd-generation digital lightning protection grounding device, for those customers. These products acquired various certifications as an outstanding product by Public Procurement Office, Performance Certification by SMBA, ISO, CE, etc. in addition to patents in Korea, USA, etc. We also offer data-based lightning protection monitoring solution to provide a platform for effective maintenance and normal operation of equipment throughout the year.

Ground supports the existence and growth of our customers, and strives to bring 100% perfect disaster management.
Also, we will continue to keep our promise with the customers, and provide the best quality and service through n 100% perfect lightning protection solution for national institutions and private facilities, so not even a single penny is wasted.
Thank you.

Ground Inc.