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Key Points of Preventive Measures

Key Points Q & A

  • 01

    Are lightning damages natural disaster?No. lightning damages are man-made disaster.

    Ground Inc. achieved 99.88% success rate in lightning damage prevention in over 5,000 places for the last 19 years.
    Lightning damages can be prevented through science.

  • 02

    Why do we suffer lightning damages?Lightning is a very big electromagnetic impact.

    When lightning strikes, very big electromagnetic impact (surge, transient voltage) occurs, and impacts the advanced IC semiconductor of communication and information facilities that are operated by electricity, which results in breakdown and damage.

  • 03

    Do lightning rods prevent lightning damages?No. Lightning rods only induce lightning.

    Lightning rods pull the lightning, so they can protect human and buildings. But they cause more lightning damages in electronic communication facilities as seen in Q2. It doesn’t state anywhere on IEC, ITU, ICLP, etc. that lightning rods protect electronic equipment.

  • 04

    Does SPD prevent lightning damage?No, the damage still occurred with SPD present.

    SPD tries to discharge surge to the earth through grounding, but this causes secondary damages to any other devices through grounding wire.
    Also, there is no countermeasure against the surge that flows in through the earth and grounding, especially in case of multiple lightning.

  • 05

    Did the damage occur due to
    high ground resistance value?

    Nowhere in IEC, ITU, IEEE, or advanced countries say that “low ground resistance value will prevent lightning damage.” A few countries that chose independent grounding, including Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, falsely understood that low ground resistance value is better for lightning protection. Nowhere does it say, “Ground resistance does not protect electronic devices,” including IEC, ITU, ICLP, etc. Ground resistance value can’t not be everything to lightning damage prevention measures.

  • 06

    What is the main issue?Korea accepted Japan’s grounding technology incorrectly.

    1. There was inconsistency between power supply and grounding method. 2. They were scammed that lightning rod xxx. 3. They only focused on lowering the ground resistance value and lightning rod protection angle. 4. Government organization did not accept the technology that is appropriate for international trend and technology.

  • 07

    How should the lightning countermeasures be selected?Check the lightning protection success rate.

    1. Check the lightning protection success rate of over 10 years of period first. 2. Apply the technologies of IEC and ITU, and accept ICLP’s recommendations. 3. Check for the fact in actual field as opposed to advertisements. 4. Check if there has been 100% compensation in case of lightning damage. 5. Check if 100% compensation is provided in case of lightning damage.

  • 08

    PGS’s lightning protection success rate 99.98% success in 20,000 places
    for 25 years (as of 2024)

    1. PGS succeeded in 99.98% success rate between Jube 1999~December 2024. 2. The Navy successfully protected against lightning every year between 2001~2010 through PGS and eca3G. 3. Common grounding and lightning equipment are adopted in accordance with technical regulations of IEC, ITU, and IEEE. 4. Ground Inc. offers 100% compensation through PL insurance (2 billion KRW) and in-house guarantee.

  • 09

    What eca3G?Outstanding product with the
    U.S. patent selected by the
    Public Procurement Office and DAPA.

    1. It applies KSC-IEC, IEC, ITU, PGS lightning protection technology. 2. It is world’s first 3rd generation digital grounding device that obtained the U.S. patent. 3. Installation, maintenance, and guarantee are easy as it doesn’t need to be laid in the ground. 4. It is a lightning protection device that is installed in the entire Naval island bases as Navy’s standardized product. 5. Cheongwadae, ROK DCC, KDIC, CMS, public organizations, KBS, MBC, etc.

We recommend it. Protect against lightning successfully through PGS and eca3G!