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Lightning protection integrated management system

eca3G Lightning Protection System
Management Monitoring System

eca3G Lightning Protection system Management Monitoring System is a monitoring system that can be used in the
security control network using M2M(Machine-to-Machine), Data time series analysis, easy setting through web browser,
TCP/UDP, VCP(Virtual Com Port), and Modbus TCP technology to monitor eca3G equipment in various specifications that are installed for
comprehensive lightning protection of government and public facilities, including national defense, aviation, traffic, electricity and water power, water control, etc.

Key functions of eca3G Lightning Protection System Management Monitoring System
  • - Monitoring of the operation status of the module that detects the inflow of lightning surge and relieves lightning surge
  • - Data monitoring of incoming lightning surge and overvoltage surge counting over certain limit
  • - Providing location of eca3G lightning protection system installation through dashboard
  • - Adding visibility to surveillance through data visualization using dashboard and real-time monitoring
  • - Check and monitor the site equipment remotely from office, control center, etc.
  • - Scientific prediction of life expectancy and risk management of eca3G through MTBF, MTTR reliability data management
eca3G Lightning Protection System Management Monitoring System Platform

Standardizing data analysis of eca3G operation and status, leakage current, potential difference, and surge counter, and monitoring server development Closed network: Basic Internet: Optional

eca3G Lightning Protection System Management Monitoring System network

Standardizing data analysis of eca3G operation and status, leakage current,
potential difference, and surge counter, and monitoring server development

Effects of eca3G Lightning Protection System Management Monitoring System
  • Through the establishment of eca3G Lightning Protection System
    Management Monitoring System,
  • - System can be used in secure network, and can be operated within perfect security control range
  • - Increased accuracy of surveillance and maintenance efficacy by using lightning protection system management monitoring system
  • - Diagnosing risk of equipment through real-time equipment status and lightning inflow data verification
  • - Scientific prediction of the equipment’s life expectancy through MTBF, MTTR reliability data management