Advanced DC Decoupling Device

(Co-developed with KOGAS, Patented)
Under the partnership of Government-Large Corporations-SMEs, completely solved the problems of imported products by successfully developing the first patented product in Korea
Summary of Co-development Technologies
    • Advanced DC Decoupling Devices have the improved functions
      as below :
    • - enabled to measure the instant off potential without
          dismantling the device
    • - remove noise peak which is generated upon rectifier On/Off
    • - solve internal galvanic corrosion (adopt all aluminum parts)
    • (these problems are observed in the field by imported products)
    • For stronger protection against high voltage lightning surges, AC fault current, and induced AC current in the field, we apply the lightning protection technology and know-how which we have accumulated since 1999.
    • - apply ClassⅠ(10/350㎲, 20kA)
    • - IEC 61643 protection to protect insulation joint, motor operated value
    • - other products adopt Class Ⅱ (8/25㎲, 100kA) component
    Insulation Joint Protection from High Voltage Lightning, AC Fault Current
    with Advanced DC Decoupling Device (DDD)
    DDD not installed. By intrusion of high voltage lightning surges and AC fault currents,
    there is a large potential difference at each end of the Insulation Joint which damages
    the joint.
    Protect the Insulation Joint from high voltage lightning and fault
    currents. Block DC cathodic anti-corrosion current discharges.
    DDD installed. DDD discharges high voltage to apply equi-potential at each end of the
    Insulation Joint, protects against damages, and also blocks the DC cathodic anti-corrosion
    Advanced Technical Targets & Secured Performances
    Technical Items
    for Co-Development
    Secured Performance
    DC blocking voltage performance Potential difference of each end – 1V
    AC steady-state characteristics Potential difference of each end - 1V
    Current leakage under DC blocking voltage Below 0.25mA/V
    Lightning current rating ClassⅠ,10x350μsec, max20kA
    ( ClassⅡ, 200kA 8/20μsec 200kA < )
    AC fault current rating(AC 60Hz rms) 30 cycle. 3.7 kA above
    AC steady-state current 60Hz, Max 45A
    Explosion proof OEM Test Certificate
    Others Patent Registration: No. 10-1279856, Economic Cost
    Solving Field Problems of Existing Products at KOGAS Sites
    • (completely overcome these problems under advanced DDD)
    • 1. Enable measurement of Instant Off potential without dismantling DDD
    • 2. Remove noise peak which is generated upon rectifier ON/OFF
    • 3. Improve lightning protection level for high voltage currents
    • (lightning surges, AC fault current, induced AC current)
    • 4. Prohibit internal metal corrosion of DDD – galvanic corrosion
    • 5. Others: economical cost, customized service, test terminal, etc.
    • 6. Authorized third party performance test
    Advanced DC Decoupling Device Specification
    (patented, success determined by SME agency, co-developed product)
    Items Advanced DC Decoupling Device Specification
    (1) Lightning current rating max 20kA, Class Ⅰ, 10x350µsec waveform (primary lightning surge)
    (2) AC fault current rating(AC 60Hz rms) Max 3.7kA or above, 30Cycle
    (3) DC Blocking Voltage DC -6V/+1V (each ends voltage difference under DC supply: below 1V)
    (4) AC steady-state current max 45A, 60Hz (each ends voltage difference under AC supply: below 1V)
    (5) DC current leakage Below 0.25 mA/V under DC blocking voltage
    (6) Power supply Not required
    (7) Instant off potential Enable to measure instant off potential without dismantling
    (8) Inner corrosion Adopt one type of metal parts
    (9) Explosion proof Provide certificate
    (10) Others Patent registered, measuring terminal attached, silicon
    Product Image
    Authorized Third party Test
    • Lightning Current Rating Test by KERI.
      Apply ClassⅠ(10x350㎲), 20kA surge current
    • AC Fault Current Rating Test by KERI.
      Apply 60Hz, 30cycle, 3.7kA current
    Patent certificate, Test Report
    • Patent certificate : No 10-1279836
      Advanced DC Decoupling Device
    • KERI Test Report
      Advanced DC Decoupling Device
    • Explosion proof certificate
      for enclosed box